Bingos are held weekly throughout the year and funds raised are used to assist us in operating our various youth and elder's programs as well as for expenses related to the programs and services offered by the Centre.
Some of the events sponsored through fundraising are the annual Dreamcatcher's Conference for youth which is held in Edmonton, Alberta each October. The Friendship Centre donates money to the schools to assist in their selection of students and chaperones to attend this conference.
Proceeds are also used to hold an annual Elder's Fish Fry as well as an annual Elder's Christmas Feast.
Elders' Gathering
These gatherings have proven to be very popular with the Elders 60 years of age or older. They provide Elders with a fun-packed afternoon of cultural performances, bingo, a delicious lunch and gifts. The Elders express their deepest appreciation and gratitude for these gatherings which also enables them to reunite and visit with old friends and acquaintances.
Crib tournaments are held every Saturday at 1:00 pm, from September through June and are open to everyone.